Meet Shannon…

Shannon- The instigator of this adventure. She’s the glue that holds the whole operation together. Besides being the wife and mother, she’s the main writer and photographer in the family, and for their blog.  Her life dream has been to explore the world and get to experience cultures firsthand. As a former scrapbook product designer, & business owner, Shannon has maintained her love of capturing everyday life and archiving it for future generations to enjoy. Her previous career as a massage therapist comes in handy on the road when someone’s experiencing aches and pains from daily outings. Main talents are: Her outrageously good, homemade spaghetti sauce, the ability to speak at warp speed, her skill of organizing and filling every nook & cranny of space, and her ability to research, plan and execute excursions on a moment’s notice, and pull off memorable, educational adventures for the whole family.

Her superpower is her retail sixth sense; she can energetically feel when a sale is going on at her favorite store, on something she needs, and then show up and partake in the discounted deals. Spooky, but true.